WEAD 2023 End of Year Accomplishments
Received a 2024-26 grant from the California Arts Council
Launched the exhibition: EcoArt: Envisioning Strategies and Solutions, including artist/curator discussion, in collaboration with Art Works Downtown, San Rafael,
Curator WEAD Board Member Deanna Pindell. -
Created Exhibit/Workshop at the annual Bioneers Conference: Collect Every Drop: Rain Barrel, in collaboration with Eco Art Matters students from Laney College, Oakland
Launched WEAD online WEAD membership exhibition: Kinship with Birds in Flight and Plight, with three artist presentations and printed on-demand catalog of the exhibition.
Worked with CSUSB interns to prepare the files for two printed on-demand publications: catalog for Kinship with Birds and Magazine Issue 13.
Produced 10 presentations for ongoing Lecture series
Launched new Art + Science series with two presentations featuring Mallery Quetawki and Nina Sokolov
Continued Art + Activism with four presentations featuring Betsy Damon, Cheryl Derricotte
Continued Art + Education Web Series, with four presentations featuring Charla Elizabeth, Cynthia Brannvall, Lorraine Bonner, and Linda Weitraub
1400 subscribers to newsletter
2023 our website had 3386 visitors
616 published portfolios on the WEAD Directory
Gave 6 scholarships from the Andree Singer Thompson Scholarship Fund